How to Withdraw or Send Money from Skrill to Mpesa

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In this post, I will show you how easy it is to Withdraw or Send Money from Skrill to Mpesa.

This service is more than one could ask for when it comes to money transfer.

If you are in the U.S. (or anywhere in the world that works) and all you want to do is send money to a loved one in Kenya all you need is a Skrill Account that has money (of course) and the Recipients Mpesa Registration name and Mobile phone number. Simple!!!

To sign up on Click the Button Below.

Sign Up on Skrill

If you already have a Skrill Account click on the button below to Withdraw or Send Money from Skrill to Mpesa.

Send Money to Kenya

Read more on the Mpesa Service and Countries that offer Mpesa Services by clicking on the button below.

Countries with Mpesa Services


Hello and thank you for taking your time to view this video.
My name is David and in this video I will show you how easy, fast and convenient it is, to use skrill to withdraw or send money to mpesa.
Mpesa is a mobile money transfer service, that is available in Kenya and other countries. There is a link below this video from to show you all the other countries that support Mpesa.

What you need to withdraw money from skrill to mpesa, is?
Number one you need a skrill account that has money in it and number two you need a mobile phone that supports mpesa or you be in an area where the mobile service supports mpesa.

This tutorial is beneficial for any freelancers in kenya and countries that support mpesa and also people leaving outside kenya and need to send their loved ones some money through mpesa.
Basically you find that it is more convenient , easy and fast to actually send somebody money when you are away via skrill to mpesa.

Before I officially begin the tutorial, I would like to tell you know that you can sign up on using my affiliate link below.

For this transaction in this video tutorial to be successful I will need 2 services: The first service is my Skrill account and the second service I will need  is my Nokia Ovi Suite.
Basically, I am using my Nokia Ovi Suite to simulate how fast the message from skrill to your mpesa comes in.

I am ready to begin my transaction and all I need is to log in into my skrill account.
Once I am logged in into my skrill account, I will need to open another tab. I already have the tab open and in this tab I have the option of send money to kenya now open.
I have included the link in the description below for you to easily navigate to the page.

For me to begin the transaction, all I need to do is click the send money to kenya now tab.
Once the transaction page loads all you need to do is fill out the form with the amount that you want to send. For this transaction I will transact $220.
That is approximately what I have in my skrill account.

And then select the country you want to send the money to. For this tutorial I want to send money to Kenya.
Immediately I select Kenya, Skrill will give me the conversion rate for $1 to how many Kenyan Shillings.

Once I am comfortable with the amount I am sending I’l just click get started.

Once the new page loads, I need to enter the recipients information and I also need to select that I want to use the mpesa option.
The funds will be deposited to my mpesa account or the the recipients Mpesa account.

I will fill out the fields with my information, that is, My names as they appear as they appear on my Mpesa and also my phone number because I am sending the money to myself.
Once I’m done filling out the fields I will click on the continue button.

The Skrill page will load for some time as it tries to log me in into my account.

Once its done that, it will show me my balance and also tell me if the money I have covers the money I want to send that is the transaction fees included.
And for this account, the money I have covers the transaction I want to do.

I will click on the continue button and this will take me to the review and confirm page.

Basically all you need to do here is confirm that the information you have provided is correct and if you want to review anything, you can adjust the amount you want to change but for this account, I’m okay and I’m fine with the way everthing looks.

Always ensure you double or triple check the information you have provided to ensure that you are sending money to the correct person and also that you are sending the right amount of money.

Once this is done, you need to confirm this transaction by filling out your date of birth.
I will do this and once I’m done I’ll show you if my transaction is successful or not.

Once I am done entering my date of birth, I will click on Send Money.
The new page that loads will display whether my transaction was successful or if the transaction failed. In this video, my transaction was successful and the money has been billed to the mpesa account that I sent the money to.

Next, I will take you to my Nokia Ovi Suite and show you that the money that I withdrew has been billed to my Mpesa account.

The only thing I will do on my nokia Ovi Suite is just refresh this page for you to see whether the money has been billed to my mpesa account or not.
And yes the money has been billed to my account.
If you look at the transaction, I made the transaction at 12:57 and the message on my Mpesa message shows that the money arrived at 12:57.
The money has arrived in seconds.

That’s the power of Skill to Mpesa.

Thank you for taking your time to watch this video on how to Withdraw or Send Money from Skrill to Mpesa.
I hope that you have learnt alot and I would highly appreciate that if you do not have a skrill account use my affiliate link below to open a skrill account and I believe that you will have a better and simpler way to withdraw or send money to your Mpesa or to another persons Mpesa.
Thank you very much and I hope to see you on my facebook page that is, freelancer insights and also take time and check out my blog. If in case you need any information on freelancing let me know.

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21 thoughts on “How to Withdraw or Send Money from Skrill to Mpesa”

  1. Hellow David, Do I need to verify my ID card in order to send to Empesa?Is there any other verification prior to sending money to empesa via skrill? Thank you.

  2. Hi Mbugua,
    Thanks so much for this tutorial. I have actually withdrawn money from Skrill to my Mpesa just now…for the first time, and it was so smooth. I’ve used your link(send money to kenya) and it was so fast. Question though, i can’t seem to get that interface when i log in to Skrill directly.Why so and do i have to always use the link here to access the Send Money to Kenya page?

  3. hi david so which banks in kenya accept skrill and if they do how do you link the bank account with skrill and which cards can one link with skrill that are accepted?

    • There are 2 ways to deposit money on skrill at the time of this writing:
      i) Get someone to send you money from Skrill to Skrill and then you Mpesa them the amount you agree on.
      ii) If you freelance on a site that supports Skrill payments then you can send money from that “site to Skrill. E.g Upwork to Skrill.


  4. I can’t see the video, but i have a verified skrill account. How do i send money to mpesa? What is the minimum amount i can transact?

  5. Hi David glad to ave found this I have been sending money form skrill to Mpesa for a while but recently I tried and it was impossible. I got a message ” your mobile operator has rejected your transaction”
    I tried to contacted safaricom and they said that the issue is not with them.
    May be you have an idea where problem could be

  6. Please brief me on the procedure of depositing money from my mpesa to skrill account.
    Is the a till number to use?
    Please help.


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