How To Manually Share Upwork Feedback on Social Media Profiles After Closing The Pop-Up

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You’ve just received some excellent feedback that can boost your chances of getting more clients if you share it on Linked in, Twitter or Facebook.

Unfortunately, the pop-up window that allows you to share has 2 options.
Not Now and Share.

If you choose not to share the feedback image now, the feedback image is gone and there’s no way to re-share it.

At least for now, there’s no official way to do it from Upwork.

Upwork Feedback Image for Successful Job
Upwork Feedback Image for a Successful Job

Fortunately, the anatomy of the link that generates the feedback image below consists of your freelancer profile, some sort of social media code and the contract that you worked on to receive the feedback.

Upwork Feedback for David Mbugua
Upwork Feedback Image for Social Media Profiles

You can easily regenerate the image above by following these simple steps and share it to your social media profiles to get more credibility for your services.

If you prefer to watch a step-by-step video tutorial, there’s one below.

How to Create the Upwork Feedback Shareable Link Even when you Close the Pop-up.

The link comprises;

i) Your freelancer profile as seen below and you can get this from your Upwork profile.

You can get your Upwork profile link from the URL bar or from the right of your availability.

Here’s how it looks like

Upwork Profile URL
Where to get your Upwork Profile URL

ii) You need to add the social media code and contract id and it looks like this

You should now have a link that consists of your Upwork profile URL and the code above.

Upwork Profile URL and Social Media Code

iii) The missing piece is the Contract ID.

To get a contract Id for a recently closed contract, you need to navigate to My Jobs > All Contracts and once the contracts load, click on the contract with the feedback you want and copy the contract ID.

All Contracts on Upwork
How to Get a Contract ID on Upwork

Once you click on the contract that you want, you’ll need to click on Terms and Settings.

From the Terms and Settings page, you can either copy your contract ID from the URL or at the bottom section of the page.

Terms and Settings of Contract on Upwork

The contract ID looks something like 23440579.

Here’s an image of the Contract ID from the URL and at the bottom of the Terms and Settings page of the contract.

Contract ID from URL and At the bottom of the Terms and Settings Page

iv) This is the final step.

Since we have all the parts to create the Upwork feedback Image, let’s combine all the text to make the image below.

Upwork Feedback for David Mbugua
Here's the complete link to create the feedback Image 

You can share this link on your social media and by default, it will generate the feedback image.

Here’s a sample of the Upwork Feedback Image on Facebook

Upwork Feedback Image on Facebook

Here’s a sample of the Upwork Feedback Image on LinkedIn

Upwork Feedback Image on LinkedIn

Feel free to try it out on your social media profiles and see if you’ll get similar images to what I’ve already elaborated on.

This method works even if a contract is from when Upwork was oDesk. I’ve tested it and the result is the same.
Here’s an example of a contract from 2012.

Upwork Contract When it was oDesk

And here’s an Upwork Feedback image from the Contract illustrated above.

Upwork Feedback Image for Voice Cleanup Contract

The process above works even when the contract is old and it can help you reshare old feedback and get you, new clients, fast.

The major disadvantage of this Upwork Feedback Image is that it cuts off extra written feedback due to its limited size of 800x418.

As you’ve seen in the image at the top, valuable written feedback may be cut off and therefore fail to deliver the intended message of other clients seeing your work and hiring you.

Until a time when Upwork will have the option to automatically create a shareable image from a job, this is a simple yet effective way to manually share Upwork Feedback on Social Media which can get you more clients.

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