How to Transcribe and Caption Your Google Meeting In Real-Time Using Otter’s AI Chrome Extension

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In this video, I’ll show you How you can Automatically Transcribe and Caption your Google meetings using Otter’s ai Chrome extension.

How to add Otter AI Chrome Extension to Google Chrome and Transcribe and caption your Google Meeting in Real-Time.

  1. Open Google Chrome Browser.
  2. Open the Chrome Web Store and search for Otter.
    Here’s the direct link –
  3. Install Otter’s chrome extension
  4. Pin it to your Google Chrome Tool Bar
  5. Open to start a new Google Meeting
  6. Click on the Otter Icon from the toolbar and login to Otter or create a new account if you don’t have one.
  7. Once you’re logged in to Otter, click on the Record Button that appears in the Otter extension.
  8. Start your Meeting and Otter will automatically start transcribing your meeting.
  9. Stop the conversation and review the transcript in your Otter.AI account for any edits and fine-tuning.


In this video, I’ll show you how to transcribe and caption your Google meetings in real time using Otter’s AI Chrome extension.

Hi, my name is David and in this video, I’ll take you step by step from the setup of Otter AI’s Chrome extension on your web browser to using it to transcribe and caption your Google meetings.

Welcome to this video, let’s begin.

So I’m inside the Chrome Web Store. And this works on Google Chrome alone at the time of recording this video.

So once we’re inside the Chrome Web Store, we’re going to search for Otter.

And once we search for Otter, the first result is what we want. So it’s offered by

And it helps us transcribe and caption Google meet in real time, and save audio transcripts to your Otter AI account.

Just click on that.

And then let’s add it to Chrome.

Click on Add extension.

And depending on your internet connection, this is going to take a long or short time, but it’s a pretty small application.

So we get to the new page.

Otter AI plus Google meeet.

Otter AI Chrome extension for Google meet.

This are just basic setups of what you need to do, you need to pin the extension.

On to this particular toolbar, I then you need to log into your account, if you have one. If you don’t have one, you can just sign up.

And then once you begin your meeting, then you will need to click on record so that it can automatically transcribe and caption your Google meetings.

So let’s first of all begin by pinning our Otter.

Let’s just pin it, you click on this particular button, this is the extensions button. And then click on Otter here, this particular pin is going to be an Otter here.

So once it’s pinned, all we need to do now is just open up our meeting that is

And once we open up, all we need to do is just start out a new meeting.

So please know that this particular application works for free plan, the pro lite, or even, or the pro plan for Otter.

So you don’t have to worry that you’ll have to have a special plan.

And that is at the time of recording this video.

So let’s click on new meeting, start instant meeting.

And once we begin an instant meeting, it’s going to pull up our webcam, it’s also going to pull up our audio interface.

So forgive the grainy footage it’s just the default webcam for my laptop.

So you can just click on this to see if the microphone is the microphone that you want to be recorded.

For me, it’s okay, and then the camera.

Let’s just click on Done.

And once you’re satisfied with these, we can click on the Otter extension here, and it’s going to pop up here.

As you speak, you’re going to see the waveform change that will show you that the signal is going in as it should be.

The next thing is that you can choose where you want to share your conversation either in your my conversations group, or a different group that you’ve created inside your Otter account.

And here’s my Otter account. And I’m already logged in.

And that is why once we check in here, I’m already logged in. And the option I have is to only record.

Now by default, Google does offer captions available.

But there’s no way to actually save these particular captions if you wanted to use them somewhere else.

That’s why having an application or extension, like Otter, inside the Google meet is a good thing so that you can save your conversations, or your meetings as notes or transcripts so that you can refer to them later.

So let us begin the presentation- click on present now.

Your entire a screen.

If that is what you want to present, just click on it.

Just click on share.

And then we can click on record.

Once we click on record, it’s going to automatically start recording and transcribing everything that we speak from here onwards.

For example, it’s it’s going on you can see the transcript here.

But if you wanted to have your audience get the subtitles or the captions for this particular conversation, then all you need to do is click on the CC button.

Let’s click on it.

And it’s going to populate the subtitles or captions inside here that is a closed captions. So you..

it’s going to record everything that you’re going to be saying.

So recording and transcribing, which is a good thing for you if you want– if you had a meeting that you want to take notes, and you want to archive that particular meeting.

So that’s a step by step process of adding the Otter AI Chrome extension to your Chrome app to your Chrome browser.

And once you’re done, pulling it off that particular section, and starting off a meeting.

And to automatically transcribing your meeting using Otter AI and then having the captions available.

Simple process.

It doesn’t cost extra if you’re on the free plan, the pro lite or even the pro plan.

So that’s it from me.

My name is David I hope this video has been no value to you.

And once you’re done, you can just click on the pause button, and then the stop button.

And it’s going to stop recording .

“Saved audio transcript in your Otter account.”

So once you’re done with this, you can just go back to your Otter account, and then you can click on my conversations, and then you’ll see a new conversation that pops up here.

So this might be the last conversation we had.

And here it is.

So you can see it has the timestamp, the date, and it’s from Google Meet.

And the transcript is available for you to make any edits that you want to do or to make to this particular transcript.

So that is how you can automatically transcribe and caption your Google meetings using Otter’s ai Chrome extension.

My name is David. I hope this video has been of value to you.

Thank you for watching.

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