How to Remove Password Protect from a PDF File Using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

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In this video, I’ll show you how to Remove Password Protection from a PDF File Using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

Hi, my name is David.

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This video is a follow up to the video I did on how to password protect a PDF file using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

So if you’ve not yet watched that video, kindly go check it out so that you can follow along with the process of protecting or securing your PDF file.

Now, our PDF file that is secured is on screen. And all we need to do is just right click open with > Adobe Acrobat DC.

Now, by default, whenever you open a secured or password protected PDF file, it prompts you to enter a password if it’s for viewing.

And if you had protected the file from editing, then it’s also going to prompt you for the password of that particular document.

So all we need to do is enter the password and press OK.

And our document is going to open up.

And by default, you’ll notice that they are it has the option of secured here.

So our document is secured with a password. And that’s pretty awesome, because it’s very difficult for anyone to crack this particular password or get into this particular document without you wanting them to get into the document. So that’s awesome.

But now how do you remove this particular password from the document, if you don’t want to keep on adding it or putting it in all the time. It’s pretty simple.

And the option available is either click on the protect down here. Or if it’s not available here, you can come to tools. And then if you scroll down, you’ll see protect here, and we can just click on it. And it’s going to open up with a bunch of options.

We’ve got protect using password, this is the option that we used to protect the document, we can remove any hidden information. And then we can click on the drop down for the Advanced Options.

And what we need from this one is actually to just scroll down to remove security. And once you do that, it’s going to prompt you and ask you are you sure you want to remove security from this document.

And all we need to say is okay, and once we do that, it seems like nothing has happened. But something has happened. Now all we need to do is just click on file, and then click on Save. And if you notice the secured is gone.

If I close out this document, and we come back to a folder, then if I just right click on this file, and just click on open with > Adobe Acrobat DC, it opens straightforward without any secured indication here because we’ve removed the password protection from our PDF.

So that’s how you can easily remove the password from a PDF and please remember you need to know the PDF password using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

Thank you so much for watching this video.

And until next time, stay safe.

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