How to Permanently Burn Subtitles To a Video or Movie Using Subtitle Edit

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In this video, I’ll show you how to Permanently Burn-in Subtitles to a Video or Movie right inside Subtitle Edit.

In the latest version of Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Edit 3.6.2, a new feature was added that allows creators to Generate videos with Burned-in Subtitles which has a been a highly requested feature.

Personally, Subtitle Edit is a go-to subtitling software but the lack of the functionality to burn in subtitles has always resulted in my workflow revolving around Subtitle Edit to create the subtitles and HandBrake to Burn in the subtitles to video. This has changed.

Thanks to the team at for the new feature and I hope that it keeps improving.

In this tutorial, I burned in SRT subtitle file and an ASS Subtitle file.
I offer my input based on what I feel can be improved to make the workflow better but for starters, the ability to burn in subtitles to videos or movies in Subtitle Edit is the best news this year.

Thanks for watching.

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