How to Make A Gif From Video Using Camtasia – GIF Animation Tutorial

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In this video, I’ll show you How to Make a GIF from a Video Using Camtasia. Try Camtasia

A GIF is an image file that supports both static and animated images.
The abbreviation GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Formats.

A GIF can be used to illustrate a step in a how-to tutorial or also to create funny cat videos or memes.


In this video, I’ll show you how to create a GIF animation video using Camtasia.

Hi, my name is David.

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A GIF is a graphics Interchange Format, which is just an image that supports both static and animated images.

Now, there are many times that you want to clip a section of a video and add it maybe to an article as a GIF image, maybe showing a particular instruction to support the article that you’re trying to describe, or maybe a how-to that you’re trying to describe in a blog post.

Now, in this video, I’ll show you how you can create a GIF step by step in Camtasia.

So let’s begin.

I have a video inside my Camtasia timeline. And this video is pretty simple.

And all I want to do is document a simple process of saving an SRT file…that is the subtitle file that I’ve created as an SRT file.

So what do you need to do.

You need first of all, to ensure that you have the right position, let’s say the playhead is the section where I need to begin the GIF animation.

So I’ll need to cut this by pressing on S when the timelines are both or the media is selected, just press on S and then move to the point where I feel that I’ve finished the action of saving an SRT file.

Let’s say…should be somewhere there, almost there.

Just click on Save. Let’s say there.

Let’s say up to that particular section and cut it.

So we can first of all, try and check the duration.

And there we have it. It’s a 36 second duration.

So if you wanted to speed this up, what you can potentially do, and the GIF doesn’t have audio.

So what we can do here, we can get this particular clip at the bottom here.

Let’s just remove this audio section, just select it and delete.

And then select this particular section, or I click on it and then add clip speed.

Let’s just speed up this particular GIF.

Let’s say we want it to be almost like five seconds.

Let’s say we want it to be five seconds.

So that’s the movement that we want. The next option.

Let’s just zoom in slightly.

We’re at the start, let’s just zoom out again, hold the red section of the playhead pull it up to the end.

Once you pull it up to that section, right click inside this particular selection > produce timeline selection as > custom production settings > next, and then select GIF, which is an animation file, and then click on Next.

The next option you have here is the frame rate, you have to choose the frame rate that you want it to be in.

Now, this video is recorded in 30 frames per second.

So I’ll just leave it at 30 FPS, and then the loops, you can either have 1,2,3,4 I’ll just choose infinite.

Now, the next option you can either choose to ditheror not to do dither this particular animation, but I’ll choose dithering.

Now the size is 1920 by 1080.

Once you’re done, you can also decide to do > preview current settings.

Let’s just click on that.

So we see what type of GIF animation we are going to get before we produce the whole selection, which is very important.

Now there we go. And that is how it looks like.

You choose the subtitle that you want.

Sample…choose and then we go save.

So basically, it is that particular animation that you’ve seen.

Let’s just click on Next. Since we’re satisfied with that.

If you wanted to change the video size, you can either choose the current or custom once you click on this custom, just make sure that it coincides with what you have.

If your video was edited in a particular dimension, for example, this one is in 1920 by 1080 then just let it be at that particular setting.

If you wanted to change this to a different custom size, then ensure that the editing dimensions are different.

Now click on Next.

Now since everything else looks good, yes Click on Next.

And then let’s call it how to create an SRT file.

And then just click on Finish.

And if you look down here, the file will be a how to create SRT file not jif or GIF, whatever you want call it.

Just, click on Finish.

And it’s going to render out our video as a GIF.

So basically, that is a step by step tutorial on how to create a GIF.

Always try to keep your GIFs less than, let’s say 10 seconds.

That’s really a good optimal size. So it’s about 2 MB in size.

Let’s just open production folder. And here it is.

If you look at the type, it is a GIF file.

Now that we have our GIF, let us play it and see if it plays as it is required.

Let’s just double click on it. And it’s going to open up in my photos.

And you’ll see it’s the sample of what we were doing.

Saving an SRT file inside Subtitle Edit, which is a pretty awesome thing.

Now you can add this to your blog, maybe showing this particular step.

If the video or the section you were doing is on how to save an SRT file in Subtitle Edit.

So that’s it on how to make a GIF video in Camtasia 2020.

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