How to Import Subtitles In Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 – [Styling and Burn Subtitle Into Video]

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In this video, I’ll show you how to Import Subtitles in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020, Style the subtitles (all and individual), and finally burn the subtitles into the video.
This is the updated captioning interface in Premiere Pro CC 2021 Version 15.

NOTE: If you still have a project in older versions of Premiere Pro, I’d recommend you finish working on your project first, before upgrading.


In this video, I’ll show you how to import subtitles in Premiere Pro CC 2021 and beyond. The version I’m going to be using is version 15.

And at the time of recording this video, the captioning interface has changed.

Hi, my name is David and if this is your first time watching my videos, and you get value from the content that you watch, kindly consider liking this video and sharing it with your friends.

So let’s begin by importing our video to our timeline.

So let’s say these is our video that we want to use.

Let’s click on open.

And once we import our video, we can just add it to the sequence or just create a sequence from that particular clip.

And this is what we get.

By default if you don’t get the captions tab open somewhere right here, then you can just click up here, and it’s going to open up.

So you’re going to get your caption interface on this particular section.

So there are a bunch of new things in here are the three dots to the end, you can add new caption track, export to SRT file, export to txt file, that is once you create your subtitles.

You can start by creating a new caption track.

But for the purposes of this video, we are going to import a caption from file.

So let’s just click on that.

And there are multiple caption or subtitle files supported, you can just click on this drop down, and you’ll see all the supported files available.

For example, Mac caption on is supported. We also have something like SCC Scenarist closed caption file.

And what we need to use is a SubRip subtitle format. And once I click on it, the videos disappear and only leave the SRT subtitle files.

So let’s just click on this, this is what we want to use.

And then we click on open.

And once we click on Open, we are going to get this new pop up the new caption track information.

So what format do we need our subtitle to be in?

By default subtitle is selected and this means that the subtitle is going to be in open is going to be in an open caption format.

But the other formats if you’re doing CEA 608, CEA, 708, and CEA 608 is for the old analog style of captioning.

708 is more digital form of captioning.

EBU teletext.

But let’s go with subtitle, which is the open captions that was available in versions, the versions below these that is version 14.

If you already have a style you can use.

But since this is the first time we are trying to import subtitles, or use this particular interface, the style is not available.

So we’ll just leave it at none.

And then the start point should be the source timecode.

The SRT subtitle file that I’m trying to work with is already timed to this particular clip.

So let’s just click on open.

And once we click on Open, you might think nothing has happened. So we can just try and move this to the side. And then let’s just click on this particular subtitle.

Once we click on it, you’ll see some text here.

It’s pretty small.

But what we can do so that we can make sure that all subtitles are the same size, we can just click on one subtitle, and then press on Ctrl A, to select all subtitles in here.

And then from this particular right side, we can set our font size.

Let’s say we set this to 36. And press on Enter.

And we see now that our subtitles are a little big.

Now as for the appearance, we can notice that there’s a shadow, let’s do away with the shadow.

But once you do a with a shadow, you’ll not see anything because these are white background right here or white interface. So we can just work with a background.

Let’s say we do a background like a black color.

Let’s do black. Click OK.

And we also need to set the what form of transparency that we want with this.

Let’s say we give it an 85.

And there is our black background that’s slightly translucent, and our text at the front. So that’s looking good as it is.

So the one thing that I like about these new interface is that you can work on the left, see your subtitles or captions here and style them to this particular– in this particular section.

It’s pretty awesome where you can even change the alignment, the transformation etc.

Now since we’ve already set our the base or what we want for our subtitles in general, you can also style that different subtitles for example, if I click on this first subtitle, I can style it alone.

Let’s say we want to change the color to something like yellow, you can just click on that.

And then let’s look for the color yellow. Or since i know a good color yellow, ffff00. That’s a good yellow.

But note that you’re going to get these particular exclamation mark, it’s a warning.

Make the color broadcast safe.

But if you were just doing a burning it into the video, there’s no issue with that.

So you’ll notice that this particular subtitle only this one gets the yellow color.

If you look at the others, they’re still white on black, etc.

So it’s pretty awesome that you can style your captions and subtitles easily.

You can even do the different positioning for this particular one subtitle, whatever you want, if you want it up there, the others will still be at the bottom.

So it’s pretty awesome and pretty fast.

Now, once you import your subtitle, and let’s say you just wanted to burn it into your video, then you can just come up to the file.

With the timeline selected, come to File, Export media.

And once you do that, make sure that you set the format that you want to export it in, and then ensure that you set the export file, let’s say “burned in”.

Let’s click on Save.

And, as always ensure that this particular option under the captions tab – “burn captions into video” is selected.

If you have the Create sidecar, it only export the video and the subtitle as a sidecar.

But you have to make sure that the burn captions interview is selected.

Let’s just move this up slightly.

And once you’re satisfied with your selections, just click on export.

Depending on the length of your video, and you hardware, these may take a long or short time.

But since this is short video, it’s just taking just a couple of seconds to be done.

And once it’s done, it’s going to close out, let you know that that was exported.

And we can just go in and see what our video looks like.

So we can just right click on this – play with VLC. “With the re-…”

And first of all, we’ll just notice that the positioning for the subtitle that we just set is available, we can just continue.

“–recent update on the YouTube interface.”

And there we have it. If we just click just down the road, you can see the other subtitles down here.

So that’s how you can easily import a subtitle into Premiere Pro CC 2021 version 15 and beyond, style your subtitles and burn in your subtitles into the video in Premiere Pro.

Thank you for watching this video.

I hope it has been a value.

Until next time, stay safe and never stop learning. Thank you for watching this video.

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