How to Find Your Wi-Fi Password In Windows 10 //2 Easy and Fast Methods

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In this video, I’ll show you how to Find Your WiFi Password in Windows 10.

In this video, I’ll show you how to find your Wi Fi password in Windows 10.

Please note, I don’t mean that you’re going to be hacking anyone’s computer. There’s nothing of that sort in this video.

So you just want to view the saved password in your Windows 10 laptop. So, let’s begin.

My name is David and if this is your first time watching my video tutorials, and you get value from this, kindly consider subscribing, like the video and share it with your friends.

So to begin, I’ll press on the Windows, and R key.

And this is going to open up the run box dialog box where we can run commands, open programs and all that.

Now by default, there’s nothing typed in here. But since you’re watching it, the command written is ncpa.cpl — ncpa.cpl.

And this is a network command that you can use to pull up the network connections without going to the control panel.

Click OK once you’re satisfied, and this is going to open up the Wi Fi or the internet connections that you have.

So we want this particular Wi-Fi – teaMn0sleeP_.

Just right click on it, click on status.

And from here, you just need to click on wireless properties. And once you click on wireless properties, go to security.

And from here, if I click on show characters, it’s going to display my password for my Wi-Fi right here.

So I’ll just click on it. But obviously I’ll blur my password for my internet connection out for this.

So let’s just click on show characters.

And there we have it, there is my password. Pretty simple, pretty easy, since it’s just a home connection. So there we have it. That’s method number one.

So let’s just close out that. And then just close.

The next method is using control panel, just type inside the search – Control Panel.

And once you open control panel, go to the Network and Internet.

Just, view network status and tasks.

Once you do that, just click on the connection.

And once you click on that, click on wireless properties > security. And then just, click on show characters.

Basically, it’s the same process.

Now without typing commands and all that, just click OK. And you’ll see your Wi-Fi password inside the wireless network connections.

So that’s how easy and fast you can find or view the saved password for your Wi-Fi connection.

You can use this if maybe you wanted to add a phone to the Wi-Fi internet connection. Maybe you’ve been to a cafe and maybe you can’t remember the password and you don’t want to disturb anybody.

That’s some method you can use or even if you’re at a friend’s place, and you don’t want to keep bugging people that’s something that you can use.

So that’s it for this video, and I hope that it’s going to be beneficial to somebody out there that has forgotten their Wi-Fi password.

Thank you for watching this video and until next time, stay safe

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