How to Enable or Disable Live Transcription in Descript for Windows

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In this video, I’ll show you How to Enable or Disable Live Transcription in Descript for Windows when recording audio narration, podcasts or voice-overs.

Video Transcript

In this video, I’ll show you how to enable or disable live transcription in Descript for Windows when you’re recording audio or podcasts inside Descript.

Hi, my name is David.

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This particular feature was enabled in the latest update Descript 13.1.0.

And we are going to begin a new project, let’s just call it “podcast.”

Just click on Create.

And once you click on Create, all we need to do now is just do the recording from this particular section, or you can press Ctrl Alt R, just click on record.

And once you click on record, you’re going to see the audio waveform going in here if your mic is being picked up.

But if it’s not being picked up, you can click on the gear icon, which is the record settings, just click on that.

And you’ll notice the mic input.

If that’s not what you want to use, you can change.

But that’s what I want to use.

Now there’s a new feature called automatically transcribe recording.

Now if you click on this, this option is going to allow you when you record your voiceovers or your podcast, this is going to actually start automatically transcribing your audio into text.

Now let’s leave that off.

And then let’s say we just record and in previous versions it was on by default.

So let’s just click on record– this red button.

“Hi, everyone, my name is David, and welcome to this podcast.

In today’s podcast, we’re going to be talking about blah, blah, blah, do whatever you want to do, stop it.”

Now the minute you stop it, you’re going to be prompted by Descript to either automatically transcribe your podcast your audio recording into text, or you can use the White Glove service, or you can also import a transcript.

Now this feature is good because for anyone that records audio or video from a transcript, and you want to use this particular feature, then the transcript or your script is going to come in handy because if you have a transcript, all you have to do is just paste in the transcript.

Now, if you do not have that, then you can either use the White Glove service, or if you wanted to just go with the automatic option, just click on that.

And then you just click on transcribe and Descript is going to start doing its thing.

Depending on the length of your audio, it’s going to take a long or short time and maybe how comprehensible your accent is.

English is not a first language to me but I believe it’s going to pick up most of the things clearly.

So it’s almost done. It’s done.

So if I actually playit.

“Hi, everyone, my name is David, and welcome to this podcast. In today’s podcast, we’re going to be talking about blah, blah, blah, do whatever you want to do. Stop it.”

So it picked up everything as it is.

So it’s really good that it can pick up all that.

But if all you wanted was to use the live transcribe option.

Let’s just come in here, press on Enter.

We can come to the core record option.

And from this particular section now, we’ll ensure that the automatically transcribe recording is on.

This is when we have it enabled, just click on it.

And since it is enabled, if we click the Record button, it’s going to start automatically transcribing everything I say.

Now, let’s record.

Last week, we talked about the ongoing global economy, what what what whatever you want to say.

Now, this is what we had in in the different versions of Descript.

And you can see it’s picking up everything as I say it. Stop.”

Now, that’s when you have the automatic live transcription on.

But if you don’t want to use it, you can have it turned off from this particular setting.

Just click on the gear icon and uncheck this particular option to automatically transcribe recording.

So that’s it for this video.

And that is how you can enable or disable live transcription in Descript for Windows if you’re recording a podcast or recording audio, and these works if you have a transcript or you want to use the White Glove service, or maybe you just want to record without any distraction of the live transcription.

My name is David.

I hope this video has been of value.

Until next time, stay safe and never stop learning.

Thank you for watching.

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