How to Embed a YouTube Video In WordPress

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In this video, I’ll show you how to embed a YouTube video in WordPress.


In this video, I’ll show you how to embed a YouTube video in WordPress.

Hi, my name is David and if this is your first time watching my videos, and you get value from the content that you watch, kindly consider liking this video and sharing it with your friends so that we can all learn together.

So, you have a video that you want to embed into your blog post, or maybe a WordPress page, it’s easy to do that.

So all we need to do is we’re going to first of all begin by creating like a new post.

Let’s just create that.

And I’m inside my website,

So let’s just title it, how to add subtitles to a video on LinkedIn.

And that’s what we have.

And then we can begin like the intro paragraph.

Adding subtitles to your video on LinkedIn is easy. This step by step guide, we will help you learn how to do it.

Just whatever you want to write, but make sure it’s something that is good.

We can just right click on that so that we can fix that and then fix this.

And then you may want to add your video down here.

But let’s say you want first of all, to add like a new block that is- the more.

So we can just click on the block here and then type in “more”. So that we can separate this particular content, which is going to be the excerpt.

And then we can now add our video.

So the video we’re going to be adding is this particular video.

And it’s pretty simple to add that.

So what we’re going to begin off by adding is we’re going to add a block– that is a video block.

And by default, you may not see it here, but you can type out in the search for block “YouTube”, and you’ll see it. Just click on it.

Once you click on that, you can come up to your video, either copy this link, but looking at this link has other extra characters like the channel name and all that.

The easiest way to get the correct link is by coming to share.

And then clicking on the copy this particular link, and then navigate back to your website and enter URL to embed.

Right click paste and then click on the embed button.

So the good thing with adding a video to your blog is that you can keep your visitors or viewers of this particular blog post engaged.

And this will improve on your on page SEO.

The bad thing is that somebody might end up leaving your website and go to YouTube.

And we know how things happen, once you get on to YouTube is just a new video every other minute.

And potentially they might even end up leaving your YouTube channel if the video was on your YouTube channel.

But if the videos on your YouTube channel, it is more traffic to you.

And if you add this to your blog and your blog is interesting, then people will end up watching the video and reading and these will improve on your on page SEO and also reduce on the bounce rate.

And once you’re done with your post what we can do, we can just publish it as a private.

Let’s say we want to publish as a private post so that we can preview and see what it looks like.

Let’s say view post.

So that we can see how it looks like.

So here it is or in subtitles and zz and you can play the video.

So if that’s all you wanted to do to that particular post, then that is how you can embed a YouTube video in WordPress easily.

Thanks for watching.

Until next time.

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