In this video, I’ll show you how to create and delete a proxy video in Camtasia 2021. Try Camtasia
What is a proxy video file?
A proxy video is a low resolution of the original file that helps reduce the load when editing but high-resolution files are used during export.
Video Transcript
In this video, I’ll show you how to create a proxy file in Camtasia 2021.
Hi, my name is David and if this is your first time watching my videos, and you get value from the content that you watch, kindly consider liking this video and sharing it with your friends so that we can all learn together.
If you edit a ton of videos, or lengthy videos that are in high resolution, 4K, 6K, or whatever resolution that you’re working with, you know that Camtasia sometimes tends to lag or even crash under heavy load.
So proxies can save us these type of crashes and loads.
And in this video, let me show you how to do it.
Now, a proxy is a low resolution file of the original file that you can use when making your edits but when it goes to the export of the particular project, it doesn’t interfere.
The export utilizes the original file.
In Camtasia 2021. proxies work for videos and screen recordings.
Therefore, if you have a client or if you have recordings that are extremely long, and you want to use a proxy for that, you can easily use that to save time, and also reduce on hanging of Camtasia. And all that.
On the timeline, I have 4K clips.
And these clips– if you don’t have a good laptop, you can see some sections are slightly skipping others are smooth.
It’s because Camtasia– when you scrub through the timeline, sometimes Camtasia cannot keep up because of the resolution and all that.
So to create a proxy, all you need to do is just right click, and then click on proxy video, and then click on Create proxy video.
Once you do that, you’ll see a green mark here that is showing you the progress.
And once that is done, you’re going to get a yellow mark here.
If I just fit this inside our timeline here, you will notice that the clip that we just created a proxy is called mediatype – proxy video.
And it also has the orange dot as its as it’s the original file here.
You can also select the others, all of them at once.
Right click proxy video, create proxy.
And you’ll notice that this is a screen recording.
Therefore, proxies in Camtasia 2021 support screen recordings, because those are essentially videos, and also video files that you add from external sources.
So you can just create a proxy for that.
And it’s going to start populating, you’ll see some of these may be a little bit long, and the shorter files will just go on.
And once they’re done, you’ll notice the same same effect– the orange circle inside the video.
And also, once it’s done, that is done that is done. The others are ongoing.
And once it’s done, it’s going to make it easy for you to edit your videos whether they extremely long or short.
The screen recording may take some time because it’s a long one.
So we may or may not give it time.
But what I wanted to show you is that you can easily create proxies in Camtasia 2021.
And these will help you save time and also reduce the load that you put on Camtasia.
The one thing that I’d like to point out is that when you create a proxy for screen recordings, ensure that you don’t have section that you may need to blur out because it tends to lower the quality to a lower level.
And if you needed to really see what you’re working with, then you may need to scrutinize and maybe remove the proxy if you want.
To delete a proxy from particularly video.
Let’s say we want to delete a proxy from video number four, all you need to do is just click on it, right click proxy video, delete proxy video and once you do that, the orange dotis gone and this is also gone.
So that is how you can create and delete proxy videos in Camtasia 2021.
My name is David.
I hope that this video has been of value to you.
Thank you for watching.
Until next time, stay safe and never stop learning.
Thank you for watching.