How to Create a Shop and Ship Account – Shop and Ship Powered by Aramex

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In this video, I’ll show you how to create a Shop and Ship account so that you can shop from worldwide stores to your destination.

Sign Up on Shop and Ship –

Video Transcript

Hi, everyone, my name is David.

And in this video, I’ll show you how to create a Shop and Ship account so that you can shop from worldwide stores to your destination.

So, let’s begin.

And the reason why I’m doing this video, is currently– at the time of recording this video, 7th October 2021, Shop and Ship has a lifetime membership of $1.

Normally, it’s about $10, but also depends on where you are located around the world.

So I’ve seen this ad on Facebook, and all I’m going to do is that I’m going to sign up for a Shop and Ship account by clicking on that particular ad.

And it’s going to take me to the Shop and Shipp website.

So basically, this is what they have.

A great offer enjoy basic for USD, or $1. And basically what is important here is what do you get.

And what we have is a lifetime membership with endless possibilities. 32 personalize global addresses.

So you can purchase items or whatever you want, as long as it’s not in there prohibited items from different locations around the world and have it shipped to where you are.

I’m in Kenya and we are going to see how this works.

Hopefully I’ll be shipping something soon.

Therefore, I’ll update and show you how to Shop and Ship using Shop and Ship powered by Aramex.

So you access to access to SNS, SNS perfum, access to SNS protect SNS select, return service special rate, charging per actual weight, and also world class customer service.

So with basic, not only would you enjoy online shopping, but do it smart, you will also have access to all the perks Shop and Ship has to offer.

So click here to sign up.

So I’ll just leave a link below if you’re interested in signing up for ShopandShip, powered by Aramex.

So I’ll just click here to sign up.

And basically, this is what happens.

This is what you get when you try to sign up.

You fill in your personal details shipping payment.

So based on your country, I’m in Kenya, these amount that you’re charged, fluctuates or differs.

So it’s been about $10 for a while but when the advert comes about for them promoting this particular service, it’s about $1 for a lifetime membership on Shop and Ship.

So if I tried to change these, let’s say to another country, let’s say like Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, they charge about 45 US dollars for the SNS basic. And that is why I’m seeing this differs.

So right now they have that particular offer.

And since I’m in Kenya and the service is offered in Kenya, I’ll select that and get the 1 USD lifetime.

So you will see what you get.

As we’ve mentioned, personalized global addresses – 32 of them all around the world.

So I’ll just fill out my name, my mobile number, my email and then confirm my password so that we can proceed with this particular process.

Once you fill out the required details, that is your first name, last name, mobile number and the email, and these are mandatory fields.

Now all you need to do is I agree to Shop and Ship terms.

And this is our terms and conditions.

And you can read if you want to, and also agree to receive promotional emails from Shop and Ship in accordance with the S&S privacy policy.

So basically what we are doing here is we need now to verify that we need to get this particular account.

Just click on next once you’re satisfied with your filling, and then you need to fill out your address.

Now basically, the address that you fill out my assumption is the address where they can deliver this particular item.

Now personally, I prefer to pick my item from the different shipping companies.

But I’ll just fill out the different addresses as they require here.

And since I’ve already– I already have this out of field, then I believe we can work with this.

So that looks good.

And then protect your shipment with SNS. This is important.

And you can always click on this question mark to know why.

Why that is important.

So shipment value up to $100 no fee, every additional 100 USD one USD one or equivalent in local currency for protection, and then just click on Next.

So basically, we now need to pay.

We need to pay that $1 fee that they need.

So we can go for PayPal, a simple way to pay.

If you want to use a credit card, then you can do that.

But I want to use PayPal, since I’m already logged into PayPal over there.

So this is what happens.

You’ll see what you need to pay.

If you want to save these as your default payment method you can always do that.

But let’s let’s not save that as our default payment method.

And then you’ve read these payment– Auto Pay payment if we want to use auto pay.

Personally, I wouldn’t recommend that based on if your account got compromised.

You don’t want people to just auto pay from your PayPal balance.

So let’s click on checkout.

And this is going to redirect us to PayPal.

And since I’m already signed into my PayPal account on the side, then we are going to get a payment option.

I’d like to PayPal checkout for dollar.

So this is my preferred (payment method) balance.

And that is what I want to do.

So I’ll click on Continue.

And once I do that, it’s going to process and once it processes, then it’s going to take me back to the same page, where it’s the the payment option.

And let’s wait for it. And there we have it.

Thank you for registering with Shop and Ship, your payment has been successfully received, PayPal and amount paid, please upload your ID and get instant access to your global addresses.

Your ID is required to clear shipments from customs.

You can upload any of the following valid ID; passport, driver’s license or Natonal ID.

Size requirement is less than 4MB.

Any of these formats are acceptable JPEG, PNG, document, document x PDF or GIF.

A confirmation email covering the above has been sent to– basically your email address.

And then once you’re done with that, we’re going to upload an ID.

So let me see if I can see an ID- Choose File. Here we go.

I think that’s good. Let’s click on Open – front side – upload.

Let’s upload our ID so you will need to have your ID somewhere ready.

And basically, I believe we are in and my addresses; Amman, Barcelona, Beirut, Cairo, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dubai, Frankfurt, Geneve that’s I believe in Switzerland, Greece, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Italy, Jakarta, Johannesburg, London, Malaysia, Mumbai, New York, New Zealand, Ontario, Pakistan, Paris, Saudi Arabia, Shanghai, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sydney, Tbilisi, that’s in Georgia, Thailand, Tokyo.

So I believe your setup and if you have your package, you don’t have in package my messages, my requests, claim package, you can always now start adding these.

Basically, once I do any shipment I’ll do a video from the start to the point when I receive the item, so you can see how this particular process works.

So our account is ready for us to start shopping and shipping from anywhere around the world.

And then ship our items using Shop and Shipp powered by Aramex.

Thanks for watching. My name is David.

I hope this video will help you create your account flawlessly.

Thanks for watching.

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