How to Burn in Captions to a Video in Camtasia

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In this video, I’ll show you how to burn in captions or subtitles to a video in Camtasia.


If you create social media videos, then you know how important captions or subtitles that are burned in your video are.

Hi, my name is David and in this video, I’ll walk you through how you can burn in subtitles or captions in your videos using Camtasia.

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So, in the previous video, I walked through how to import subtitles or captions in your project in Camtasia.

So I want to walk you through how you burn in your subtitles to the video.

So my assumption is that we have done or we have our subtitles already imported, or actually, if you create them from scratch in Camtasia they are available on the timeline, as you see them appearing on screen.

One thing that you need to know is that when you go to export a video or render a video in Camtasia, any media that is available on the timeline is going to be rendered into your project.

That is if you’ve not actually disabled that particular track.

If you disable these particular captions track, then this particular truck will not be available in your project or in your final video.

But with the track enabled, and your subtitles available, then once you render your video, the subtitles or captions will be burned in the video.

So let’s do it. It’s pretty simple.

And all you need to do is just click on export – a local file. Let’s click on Next.

Click on Next.

And then you can check on the size– is that what you want everything in between. And then once you’re satisfied, click on Next.

And then you can title your project, whichever way you want to title it.

And once you’re satisfied, just click on the Finish button and your project is going to render out.

So that’s how you burn in subtitles or captions to your video in Camtasia 2020.

Now, we’ll wait for this particular project to complete so that I can show you how the video looks like in the long run.

And burning subtitles in the videos is good for social media videos.

Or maybe if you’re hosting your videos and they have another language, you can use the translation as a burned subtitles so that people can follow along as you articulate your content or share your content with our people.

So Camtasia is almost done. And here we go.

Let’s look at the preview of this particular file.

Just click on Open production folder.

And then let’s just double click this is going to play in VLC.

“With the recent update on the YouTube interface, it’s now easier than before to download youtube transcripts. Hi, my name is David.”

You can see our subtitles are permanently embedded on the video.

That’s how you can burn in subtitles or captions in Camtasia 2020.

Thank you for watching this video.

Until next time, never stop learning.

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