How to Automatically Create Subtitles Using Otter Voice Meeting Notes

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In this video, I’ll show you How to Automatically Create Subtitles Using Otter Voice Meeting Notes.

Otter is an excellent A.I. powered tool that you can use to automatically transcribe audio and video recording, meetings, interviews, and live zoom recordings.

Here’s a step by step.

  1. Upload your audio or video to Otter
    Sign up to Otter if you’d like to try it out.
    Referral Link:
  2. Allow Otter to automatically transcribe your audio or video file.
  • Depending on the length of your file, the automatic transcription will almost be instant or take some time.

If you have the Otter app, you’ll receive a notification once it’s done transcribing your file.

  1. Make any changes and edits to the transcript.
  • Correct any errors you find and try and keep your lines to one or 2.
  1. Once you are done with the changes, click on the three vertical dots on the top-right and click on Export To Text.
  2. Select the export format – SRT and make any necessary changes you need.
    You can show the speaker, auto-break the subtitles, and also set the lines per caption and characters per line.
  3. Once you’re done click on Export and your subtitles will be exported.

Thanks for watching.

Download Subtitle Edit:

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