3 easy, proven ways to get long-term clients on Upwork

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“How do I get long-term clients on Upwork ?” Yes! Finally, someone asked me.

The one question that rocks my inbox all the time is this and for all times sake, I need to dissect this topic on some of the easy ways I have resorted to getting long-term clients on Upwork.

P.S. I have Upwork clients from back in the day, 2012 to be precise, and they do pay me well.

The nature of freelance work is for freelancers to do quick jobs that are not secure and long term as being in a formal employment where you know you will have a salary at the end of the month.

It is possible to get freelance contracts that are long term, well paying and with continuity of a “formal job” meaning that a freelancer is always assured of a constant income every month.

There exist a few easy ways to get long-term clients, and this is the part where I say, “The devil is in the details.”

7 Key Benefits of Freelancing on Upwork

For starters on Upwork, it is important to have an up-to-date profile, apply to jobs with a job-specific cover letter/proposal and above all, at least, have one relevant portfolio/sample item to showcase your work.


The following jobs will almost always result in long-term contracts.

1.Jobs with a description of more than 3 to 6 months.


Remember when I mentioned, “The devil is in the details”?

The photo below illustrates a sample job posting by a client. It depicts the duration of the contract. If the contract reads 3 to 6 months, this is an ideal long-term project.

The photo below illustrates a sample job posting by a client. It depicts the duration of the contract. If the contract reads 3 to 6 months, this is an ideal long-term project.

2.Hourly Priced Jobs.

hourly contracts lead to long term clients on Upwork

My main contracts are hourly and normally but not always hourly contracts result in long-term contracts.

80% of all hourly contracts that I have had in the past and now have all ended up being long term contracts.

It is easy to ignore a small feature like the nature of the contract (fixed or hourly) therefore stay on the lookout for the type of contract on the job posting.

3.Job type.

Job types that lead to long-term contracts on Upwork

Ever wondered how some freelancers manage to work for the same client year after year? It’s simple. Some job types are long term by their nature.

The following are some examples Virtual Assistant, Podcast Editing, Transcription, Blog and Forum Manager, SEO Expert, etc.

From the examples above it is possible to appreciate that a Virtual Assistant is required to be on the job almost daily depending on the client and the type of tasks they are assigned to.

This in itself is an indication that depending on the job type then one is guaranteed a long-term relationship with a client.

BONUS: – Do good work, and clients will always give you more work.

This point applies and holds water. What client would not want a freelancer that is delivering an excellent job, beating deadlines and above all communicative? All clients want freelancers with these qualities.

If a client loves your work, they will be back for more. Some clients may offer some simple short contracts to test whether a freelancer(s) is the talent they are looking for.

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