Descript Transcription – New Transcription Workflow Explained

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In this video, we’re going to be looking at Descript’s new transcription workflow.

Video Transcript

In this video, we’re going to be looking at Descript’s new transcription workflow.

Hi, my name is David, and welcome to this video.

Now, I’m doing this video because this is a quick update from previous versions of Descript. And this update was made possible sometime in mid-July, where the transcription workflow has changed.

Back in the day, you would upload a video or an audio file into Descript. And you’d have the option to select if you wanted the automatic transcription function, or you wanted to upload a transcript, or whether you wanted to use the White Glove transcription service.

Now that has changed and I’ll show you what has changed.

And the reason why this has changed is because Descript or the people behind Descript realize that 99% of their users, or a good number of their users actually don’t import a transcript or potentially don’t hire maybe via the White Glove service, but they depend on the automatic transcription service.

So let’s create a new project.

Let’s call it “New transcription workflow”, just click on Create Project.

And once the new page loads, all we need to do is just drag and drop our audio file.

Now, if we drag and drop our audio file and let it go, it’s going to be added.

You’ll get this notification or pop up.

“Your transcript will be ready in a few minutes.”

Add or detect speakers, it’s downloading media files, multiple speakers, and the speaker name etc.

So you can detect speakers from this particular option, if you’re unsure, you can just check on this. But let’s assume that we’re done.

We’ll just click on Done.

And you’ll see it’s transcribing.

So it’s a short file 49 second file, and I’m sure it’s going to be done in no time.

So automatically, once you upload a project into this particular workspace, Descript will start to automatically transcribe the audio file. That’s what is done.

And these particular audio file has been transcribed.

What if you wanted to either import a transcript, or even add other files but did not want to use this particular process.

Let’s go back to the homepage, and then click on New Project- project. “Sample 2. Create project.

Now, instead of dragging a file inside here, what we can do, we can just click on the side to expand the sidebar and then click on project files.

Inside this particular project files, we can just click on the drop downs here.

Or we can just come pick our file, drag and drop it inside the project files.

Once we do that, the file is going to be added.

But you’ll notice that the transcription option doesn’t start automatically.

You’ll see different options here.

And if we expand this more, you’ll see the audio waveform and you can play it and whatever you want. And you can click on transcribe file.

But there are more options, and if you click on that, you’ll see convert to mono etc, import a transcript, or even order White Glove transcript, depending on what you want.

Let’s assume you wanted to import a transcript.

If you click on that, then you’re going to get this copy paste option available for importing a transcript. Cancel that.

If you wanted to go for the White Glove, you can do that.

But let’s assume you now wanted to physically click on the transcribe file option, just click on that.

And once you click on transcribe file, it’s going to give you the notification as it comes in.

Your transcript will be ready in a few minutes, just click on Done.

And I believe it’s working in the background.

So if we click let’s say, if you look at this particular option, you’ll see multiple speakers and then there’s a loading, circling thing that is going on there.

Displaying that the transcript is automatically being generated in the background. And once it’s done, you’ll see downloading media files 17% and all that kind of good stuff that we expect.

And I believe this is almost done if I’m not mistaken.

So we can just come up to here and just create a composition from file and you’ll see are the composition with the transcript available.

So that is Descripts new transcription workflow.

And that is how you can use it.

You can either load your audio or video is going to be automatically transcribed.

Or if you have a transcript or wanted to use the White Glove service that is how you do it.

So I hope this video is going to be a value to somebody who’s been wondering what has happened, what has changed, and how to get the different options available.

Thanks for watching.

My name is David. Until next time, stay safe and never stop learning. Thanks for watching.

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