In this video, I’ll show you how to Convert a Text Transcript to Subtitles (SRT, VTT or SBV) Using YouTube Studio for free.
– Transcript corresponding to your video.
In this video, I’ll show you how to convert a text file or a transcript to subtitles that is SRT, VTT, or even SBV using YouTube studio.
Hi, my name is David and if you get value from this content, kindly consider subscribing, liking the video and sharing it with your friends so that we can all learn together.
Let us say you have your videos transcribed, or you do your videos from a script.
You can use YouTube to automatically convert that or the transcript to subtitle files, and I’ll show you how to do it.
So let’s begin.
And I’ll do this from the start that is from you uploading the video to uploading the text file so that it can be converted into a subtitle file.
So let’s begin.
But if you already have videos uploaded, just follow along, I’ll replicate this particular process so we can all see how it works.
Let’s click on– let’s just drag and drop, because I already have the folder with the video and the transcript files available.
Let’s just drag and drop.
There we have it, and it’s going to start uploading.
And depending on the length of your video and your bandwidth, this may take a long or short time.
So this video, I don’t mean to publish this video.
So I will not be making any changes inside this particular section.
I won’t be making any changes here because this is a sample video for me to show you how everything works.
So let’s say the visibility of this particular video that is of what is going to be of importance to me.
Let’s just click on private.
And once it’s done, maybe processing will actually now just need to save it.
So that I show you how we can use YouTube’s studios, subtitling and captioning features to convert our SRT file to VTT but I believe they need monetization.
So let’s just say off, let’s click on Done.
And then it allows us to do all these other things.
But if you have the transcript right off the bat, you can always use these particular options, you can just come to more options where you get paid promotion, tags, subtitles, and more.
Just click on More Options.
And then let’s see we go to my video in English.
So if you want YouTube to automatically transcribe your videos into automatic captions, then you can always ensure that you have your in video language set to the language that you’re speaking in the videos.
And if it’s supported by YouTube, then YouTube will automatically transcribe your videos into automatic captions.
But let’s say we just wanted to upload the subtitles or CC, just click on that.
And the next question is, what type of subtitle or CC file do you want to upload?
One with timing that is like an SRT subtitle file that has the time codes, the numbers etc, or without timing.
If it’s without timing, then that should be a text file.
Please note that I have two files here I have a Word document and then I also have a text file.
This is the same text that’s in the Word file.
And since YouTube doesn’t support -sorry for that,- and since YouTube doesn’t support uploading Word documents, you might need to copy the transcript from Word into a text editing file application like notepad and then paste it inside there and title it whatever you want to call it.
So if you wanted to just upload a text file, just click on Continue.
And then navigate to the folder with the text file.
This is a text document, just click on it and click on open.
But since I also want to make sure that people who have already uploaded videos, get to see the process, I’ll cancelled this.
And then let’s just say we set this visibility to private and just click on Save.
Now, the reason why I’m doing this is because I want to show you if you’ve published a video, what can you do?
So I’m inside –the YouTube content studio, that is a content section.
And you can just click on the details. And once you click on details, you’ll notice everything inside here.
If we scroll down, you can also see the options but depending on where you are in the world, these may not be available for you.
YouTube has this sort of not having everything the same for everybody in different parts of the world.
So if you don’t see the options to upload, that is your subtitles down here.
Then come to the left, just click on subtitles.
And once you click on that, you’ll notice that by default, YouTube, by default has already recognized the video is in English.
So let’s say we want to add subtitles, just click on Add but if the is not available, you can just click on Add language, and then select your language that you want to use.
So let’s just click on add subtitles here.
And then once we do that, it’s going to prompt us to Upload a file, Auto sync or type manually.
So let’s say we upload a file.
And then we this is without timing, YouTube will sync your subtitles to your video audio processing may take a while.
Please note, if your video is long, this may take a while, just click on Continue.
And then we select the text document, so just click on it, and then click on open.
Once we click on Open, you’ll see your transcript to the end, we can just move it up.
And then all we need to do here is just click on assign timings.
Once you do that, we’re going to either get this option.
Let’s say synching captions to the timeline is taking longer than expected, you can safely save and close this dialog box and check back later.
Really depending on the type of video the length.
This may take a long or short time but it’s the first time I’m seeing this particular notification.
But just save and close. So we do that.
And then let’s see generating timings.
So I’m assuming the engine has been or maybe too many people are doing these or using this engine.
Once YouTube is done generating the timings for our subtitle file, you’ll get this particular option.
So you can either check out the draft. Let’s say we want to edit.
Let’s go into the edit and you’ll see your subtitles or your text has already been upended as subtitles to the video, you can edit as text, let’s say edit it like this.
And you see YouTube has already subdivided it that way it’s available as captions.
You can also download the subtitles, you can also clear and also you can also upload a file.
Let’s say we’re satisfied with what we have.
But I feel that this is just too much but I don’t want to spend time doing all that just click on assign timings as you can see the subtitle file again.
But let’s say all we wanted was to convert our text file into subtitles.
It’s already done.
So all you need to do is just click on Publish.
And once you click on publish, you’ve come back to this option where now the subtitles are published by creator.
When you look to your right there are three vertical dots which are for options.
If you click on that, you’ll see the option to download.
You can download the original format, VTT, SRT or SBV.
VTT is the Web Video Text Track subtitle format.
This is a format that is supported by HTML5 players.
So if that’s what you’re looking for, just click on it and it’s going to automatically download as captions dot VTT is click on it.
And you can see your subtitles here WEBVTT. Kind – captions. Language -English.
So let’s say we also wanted to download the SRT.
Just come here and then click on SRT is going to download onto your computer, just click on it.
Here we go.
Number came with the timestamps, and then your subtitle lines.
And then finally, you can do the SubViewer format that is YouTube’s SBV as click on that, and download that as well.
So basically, what I’ve shown you in this video is how you can convert a text file that is a transcript if you already create prepare transcripts for your video files, and then convert it to subtitle file whether you want a VTT, SRT or SBV.
You can do that using YouTube’s Studio subtitling option.
Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope that it has been of value to you and that you’re going to try it out and see if it works for you.
Thank you for watching, and until next time, stay safe and never stop learning.
Thank you for watching this video.