How to Change the Position Or Color of an Individual Subtitle or Caption Block in DaVinci Resolve

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In this video, I’ll show you how you can change the positioning or the color of an individual subtitle or caption block inside DaVinci Resolve.


In this video, I’ll show you how you can change the positioning or the color of an individual subtitle or caption block inside DaVinci Resolve.

Hi, my name is David and if this is your first time watching my video tutorials, and you get value from this content, kindly consider liking the video, sharing it with your friends, so that we can all learn together.

Now this video is as a result of a comment.

And this comment was made by Higher Aspect Media.

And it’s about– “try unticking use track style, then you can position that individual caption”.

So potentially, it’s on the 3 issues I had with DaVinci Resolve. And these pretty much fixes that issue.

So whenever you import your subtitles, or you create your subtitles, you may be tempted to use the option called Use Track Style..

And this is a good thing and I’m inside the inspector…


And we’re looking at the subtitles.

RELATED: How to Add Subtitles to a Video in DaVinci Resolve

When you look at the subtitles, they are all down here…everything is just at the bottom.

And you may have information down here, let’s say lower third graphics that are being obscured by these different subtitles.

So what if you wanted to move this particular subtitle up and not affect any other subtitle, it’s pretty easy.

Now with the “Use Track Style” ticked on these applies to all the subtitles.

But when you click on an individual subtitle, you can uncheck this use truck style, and I’ll click on it.

And once I do that, this is going to give us a different orientation.

And there are a couple of things that you can do here, you can change the font family for this individual subtitled block or caption block, you can change the font face -normal, bold, whatever you want, you can also change the color.

For example, let’s change this to – to like yellow, let’s just remove the two F’s and just put two zeros. That’s a good yellow, click okay.

And that’s the only subtitle with that yellow.

If you go to the subtitle previous to that, this one doesn’t have these particular yellow color.

And if I click on it, you’ll see that it is still using the track style.

So let’s go back to this subtitle.

Let’s say we wanted to align, center. Something like that. That looks good. And then let’s say we want to position it above here.

So we just work with the Y axis.

Just add or just move your cursor to the end until it gets to the top.

When we move back, look at the other subtitles, they are still at the bottom.

So basically, that’s how you can easily change the position, or even a color or even the font of an individual caption block inside DaVinci Resolve.

Thank you so much Higher Aspect Media for this recommendation.

And thank you for that insight I had overlooked that.

And I just thought that they use track style works for everything and you cannot change that.

So that’s really awesome. If you can do that.

Hopefully the only remaining thing that now DaVinci needs to work on is to ensure that the box is just conforming to the text that you have on screen.

That will just be easy so that it’s dynamic and it adjusts itself depending on the text that you have.

So thank you so much for watching this video.

I hope it has been of value and that you’re going to try it out and see if it works for you.

Thank you for watching this video.

Until next time, never stop learning.

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